Friday, April 6, 2012


Obesity & Homeopathy

This is a condition of excessive accumulation of fat in fat depots. This is an important nutritional disorder occurs mainly in the rich communities of the world.

Causes of Obesity:

Age: Present in all age group but more common in middle aged persons.

Sex: According to the Government White Paper on public health, 23% of men and 25.4% of women are obese.

Eating habits: The main causes of obesity are: overeating and/or eating the wrong kinds of food.
Hereditary Factor: Family history for obesity may be positive in majority of cases.
Physical activity: It is very common in persons with sedentary habit than in persons with active habits.
Psychological factor: As a result of emotional instability habit of overeating may develop and it leads to obesity.
Economic background: In developing countries it is common amongst the rich who consumes lots of protein, fat and carbohydrate in their diet and having sedentary habits due to luxurious life whereas in fully developed countries it is more common in lower-socioeconomic groups.
Endocrinal causes: In cases of hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, Adiposogenital dystrophy etc, there may be obesity.
Pregnancy: During pregnancy a woman may develop adiposity increasing the body weight to about 4-5 kg and this may goes on increasing in subsequent pregnancy due to lack of proper knowledge and carelessness.
The liver is very important for processing nutrients consumed in the diet and sending them on to the rest of the body. Abnormal processing of glucose or lipids in the liver contributes to problems of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, and fatty liver disease often is seen in people who are obese or suffer from insulin resistance. The liver is also thought to play a key role in controlling the risk of heart disease.
Genetic factors: In prader-willi syndrome, Laurence-Moon-Biedi syndrome obesity develops.
Hypothalamic syndrome: Lesions in the hypothalamus may give rise to polyphagia and subsequent obesity.

Criteria for obesity:
1. Body weight more than 20% above the ideal body weight.
2. Ponderal index (ponderal index= height in inches divide by cube root of weight in lb) less than 12.
3. A fatfold thickness greater than 2.5 cm at the tip of scapula in males or mid triceps region in females.
Clinical Symptoms:
The body weight progressively increases and gradually the contour and configuration of the body is altered. Fat is uniformly distributed all throughout the body but in some cases like Cushing’s syndrome it may be distributed in the head, neck, trunk and shoulder and spare the legs (buffalo type of distribution).

As the body becomes heavier the movements are slow and due to low vital capacity slightest exertion may give rise to dyspnoea.

Sometimes the ventilation may be very much reduced due to high position of the diaphragm. This is called obesity- hypoventilation syndrome or characterized by periodic breathing, hypoxia, cyanosis, respiratory acidosis, leading to pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement of right ventricles) and failure.

As fat has some insulating effect there may be defective heat loss and this will add to much discomfort during summer months.

There may be menstrual disturbances in females.

Patient will also have difficulty in sitting in squatting position, getting up or sitting in a chair or a vehicle.

Gradually some patients may be completely crippled and leads a vegetative existence and cannot do any thing without the assistance of somebody.


1. Mechanical: Due to heavy weight of the body, weight bearing joints, e.g. knee, ankle, hip and lumber spine will develop osteoarthritic changes. There may be abdominal hernia, hiatus hernia, varicose veins, flat feet etc.

2. Infection: Due to exaggeration of skin creases cleanliness cannot be maintained and so fungal or other infections in these sites are very common.

3. Cardiovascular: Hypertension and atherosclerosis may develop. There may be angina pectoris, cardiac failure in middle aged individuals.

4. Metabolic: Diabetes, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, cholesterol stones, gout etc may occur.

5. Psychic complications: Different psychosomatic problems may develop in these individuals.
6. There may be hazards during pregnancy and surgical procedures.

7. There may be unexplained increase in certain type of cancers particularly of gall bladder, colon, endometrium and breast.

Life expectancy:

This is considerably lower in obese patients in comparison to a non obese person of the same age group.

A. Diet control: A balanced diet suitable for the expected weight of the patient should be given. This reducing diet will aim at negative balance of some of the calories. Diet should contain adequate protein but less fat and carbohydrates should be reduced. A 1000 Kcal diet may be given containing 100gms of carbohydrates, 50gms of proteins, and 40gms of fat. Alcohol should be avoided. Minerals, vitamins, water and salt should not be restricted.

B. Exercise: Physical exercise must be encouraged and its value should not be underestimated.

C. Drugs: Appetite suppressants are mainly used. To speed up the metabolism sometimes thyroid hormones may be used.

D. Dieting or fasting may be helpful sometimes.

E. Surgery: For localized adiposity, surgery may be helpful. Surgical procedures were grouped into gastric banding, gastric bypass, gastroplasty, biliopancreatic diversion or duodenal switch, and other procedures.

• Roux-en Y procedure—reduces the size of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness (satiety); vomiting is the most common side effect

• Liposuction—removes fat deposits from specific body areas; weight gain is more likely in other areas of the body after the procedure

F. Yoga: There are some asana which are very effective in weight reduction like sukhasana, stretching of shoulders, surya namaskar, ardha matsyendrasana, tadasana, Fish Pose (Matsyasana), savasana, kapalabhati, anuloma viloma, etc.

Homeopathic Treatment:

Calcarea carb
It is used in person with excessive perspiration and who becomes hungry soon after eating; overeating and inactive digestive system; indigestion with craving for indigestible things. Excessive perspiration with little exertion, mainly on the upper part of the body.

Cinchona offIt is used in obesity to reduce ravenous appetite; indigestion after taking raw fruits and vegetables.It is indicated in persons who are though overweight but they are very weak internally.

LycopodiumObesity which arises due to disturbed liver and digestive functions; to decrease the craving for sweets; loss of appetite;Indigestion with flatulence in the lower abdomen; very hungry but feels full after a few bites.

Obesity arises due to thyroid dysfunction; This remedy is a powerful diuretic and is very useful in myxodema and various types of edema.

Calotropis GiganteaThis medicine is used to reduce the fat without decreasing the weight i.e. flesh will be decreased, the muscles will become harder and firmer. Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom.

Antim Crude
This medicine is used in persons having the tendency to become fat mainly due to overeating and indigestion with white coated tongue.

Phytolacca berryThis medicine is commonly used as a patent medicine for weight reduction.

Fucus vesiculosus
It is given after giving Calcarea Carbonica. It should be given in mother tincture. It is very effective in cases of indigestion, obstinate constipation and flatulence. It is very effective in people with enlarged thyroid glands.

Obesity in fair, fatty & flabby females with delayed menstruation. It is indicated in persons who are generally constipated and who have skin trouble.

Esculentine & Phytoline
These are two different remedies used for reduction of fat. These medicines are given in tincture form.

Other homeopathic medicines are amm-carb, amm-mur, iodium, argentum nit, coffea cruda, capsicum, ferrum phos, ignatia, kali carb,kali bi chromicum, staphysagria,aurum met, Carlsbad, nat mur, sulphur,ferrum met, thuja occ, etc that can prove useful in a case of obesity

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Food & Peptic Ulcers

A peptic ulcer is an area of damage to the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum (the part of the digestive tract that immediately follows the stomach). Peptic ulcers can cause symptoms of indigestion, including pain, which may be severe. They can be treated with medicines but if left untreated can leads to serious complications.
An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric or stomach ulcer. In the duodenum it is called a duodenal ulcer. Peptic ulcers are usually raw patches that are 1-2 cm in diameter. They may be acute or chronic. In case of acute ulcers, several ulcers may be present at a time, and these may or may not produce any symptoms. They often heal with proper treatment without any long term consequences. Chronic ulcers are deeper, usually occur individually and cause symptoms. They leave a scar when they heal.

Causes of Peptic Ulcer:
The contents of stomach are acidic. The acid helps to protect the body from infection and helps break down the food that is eaten. The lining of the stomach and duodenum is covered in mucus, which protect it from acid. An ulcer can result when the stomach produces excess acid or there is insufficient mucus to protect the lining from damage.

There are several factors that increase a person risk of getting a peptic ulcer:

1). Infection with bacteria called helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) –this is almost always present in people with ulcers, although it is also found in the stomachs of many people without ulcers or indigestion symptoms.
2). regularly taking certain medicines.
3). Smoking.
4). Drinking alcohol in excess.
5). Stress.
6). Excessive intake of irritants such as spices and caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, and certain caffeine containing energy drinks).
7). Heredity

Occasionally, a gastric ulcer may develop within a cancer in the lining of the stomach.

Symptoms:Some people with peptic ulcers have no symptoms. However, many people have abdominal pain, usually just below the chest bone. A gastric ulcer typically causes a sharp pain in the stomach soon after eating, whereas the pain of the duodenal ulcer is typically relieved by eating, or by drinking milk.
Other symptoms may include:
1). Belching.
2). General discomfort in the stomach,
3). Loss of appetite or rarely increased appetite,
4). Nausea,
5). Vomiting,
6). Loss of weight.
7). Heartburn.
8). Gastritis.
9). Gastro-esophageal reflux.

Sometimes a peptic ulcer can leads to more serious problems, including perforation (a hole in the wall) of the stomach or duodenum. This causes severe pain and needs emergency treatment. However, the most common complication is bleeding from the ulcer. Symptom includes:
1. Vomiting red blood or vomit containing dark brown bits of older blood (with an appearance of coffee grounds).
2. Blood (usually dark red) in the stool.
3. Black, tarry stool.
A slowly bleeding ulcer can also cause anemia, where there are not enough red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body.
Scars left by healed ulcers something cause narrowing (stenosis) in the duodenum. This can lead to severe vomiting and may need surgery.


•Endoscopy is the preferred method.
•Double contrast barium meal examination may be done.

Precautions: A number of lifestyle changes may reduce the symptoms of a peptic ulcer, and speed up healing:

1. Avoid food and drink that seems to cause more severe symptoms such as spicy foods, fatty foods, coffee, and possibly alcohol.2. Stop smoking.
3. Lose excess weight if overweight.
4. Reduction of stress by exercise, relaxing exercises, psychotherapy, anti-stress medication, hypnotism, yoga or any other method that relieves stress and anxiety.
5. Avoidance of individual foods that may cause discomfort to specific patients- this is often an individual reaction so that some patients need to cut out white bread, while others need to cut out white bread, while others need to completely stay away from brown bread.

Treatment: In addition to recommending lifestyle changes, if applicable, your doctor may prescribe a course of tablets to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach such as:

1. Antacids
2. Proton-pump inhibitors (medication that reduce the amount of acid the stomach produces).
3. Antibiotics to eradicate bacterial infection.
4. Surgery is rarely indicated for ulcers resistant to therapy or where there are frequent relapses.

Homeopathic treatment: For peptic ulcer there are numerous medicines from which some are given below:

Graphites: Peptic ulcers with intolerance of food; nausea and vomiting after each meal, great flatulence better from belching; aversion to meat, cooked food, fish, salt and sweets; burning, constrictive and cramping pain in stomach; pain becomes worse from cold drinks and better by eating and warm milk; periodic stomach pain with vomiting of food soon after eating, etc.

Pulsatilla: Symptoms of ulcer aggravates from eating rich food, cake, pastry especially after pork or sausage, fruits, cold food or drinks and ice cream; aversion to fatty food, butter, warm food, and drinks; water brash, with bitter taste in the mouth; abdomen painfully distended with loud rumbling; pain in stomach an hour after eating, etc.

Phosphorus: Pain in stomach relieved by cold food and icy cold drinks; tenderness in the region of stomach or duodenum; hunger soon after eating; longs for cold food and drinks and juicy refreshing things; nausea and vomiting after warm food and drinks; in later stages there is haematemesis, vomiting of blood, bile, and mucus with coffee ground substances, etc.

Petroleum: Gnawing, pressing pain in stomach, when ever the stomach is empty; relieved by constant eating; heart burn and sour eructation; strong aversion to fatty food and meat, worse from eating cabbage, ravengeous hunger, must rise at night and eat; nausea with accumulation of water in mouth, etc.

Nux vomica: Sour or bitter taste in the morning or aversion to food; nausea and sour or bitter vomiting, fullness after eating a small amount of food or pressure as of a stone in the stomach; sensitiveness of stomach worse from the least pressure of clothing; colic with ineffectual urge for stool, temporarily better after stool. It is also used in liver complains and jaundice with nausea, vomiting, and ineffectual urge for stool, etc.

Merc sol: Ulcers bleed easily; aversion to meat, wine, greasy food, coffee, coffee and butter; eructation, regurgitations, heartburn, nausea and vomiting; problem becomes worse after milk and sweet; salivation increased, tongue shows imprints of teeth, painful with ulcers in mouth along with peptic ulcers; Stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting feeling; great tenesmus during and after stool, etc.

Some Other Medicines for peptic ulcers are - Belladonna, Borax, Colocynth, Bryonia, Dulcamara, Symphytum, Aethusa, Sulphur, Kali Bich, Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, Anti crud, Calc carb, Nat mur, Nat phos, China, Silicea, Lachesis, Acidum nit., Calendula, Hamamelis, argentum-nit, arsenic-alb, atropine, geranium, hydrastis, kali-bichrom, merc-cor, ornithogalum, uranium-nit, terebintha, medorrhinum, ipecac, etc


Homeopathy & Acne

Acne is a chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, characterized by an eruption which is hard, conical in shape, of moderate size and with redness. It commonly occurs in puberty & in the spring season.

Types: -
The disease appears in its different varieties and the well known forms are-

1 Acne simplex or vulgaris- This type of acne is common in youth, appearing from 12th to 18th year and lasting from 5 to 10 years if untreated. It is most often seen on the face, especially on the forehead, cheeks and chin, but is quite common on the upper part of the shoulders and chest and may rarely be found elsewhere. The eruptions are bilateral without symmetry and consist of comedones, papules and pustules from pin-head to split pea in size, varying in number from one or two to hundreds.

2 Acne indurate- It is more common in the back and neck. It is chronic in its course, which rarely disappears without treatment. The lesion appears as deep seated, round, ovoid or flattish indurations or nodules. They may be few or many, isolated or aggregated, vary in size from a pea to a cherry, and as they enlarge, the covering skin becomes dark red in color. Most are indolent or blind boil, which contain little pus and even if incised are apt to reform. Nearby glands may be affected.
3 Acne Rosacea- It is a chronic congestion of the face which appears between the thirtieth and fortieth years of life. Women up to the age of forty seem more subjected to the disease than men. It begins with temporary hyperemia which is characterized by flushing, permanent redness, capillary dilatation, secondary acne and sometimes by tissue hypertrophy. The rosacea begins as a temporary congestion or redness of the middle third i.e. flush area of the face, which recurs at varying intervals.

4 Acne Varioliformis- It is a rare, chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by papulopustules commonly occurs in the forehead and scalp, occasionally in the other locations, and leaving a depressed scar similar to that of variola. The initial lesions are small pale macules or papules which soon become reddish-brown, deep-seated, indolent papules, pea to bean-sized and frequently pierced by a hair. Later vesicles and pustules develop, covered with flat, adherent, yellowish brown crusts under which will be found sharply defined, rounded ulcers. These crusts may increase in size but eventually fall off, leaving reddish brown, clear-cut, variola like scars which finally becomes white.

5 Acne Punctata- In acne punctat, there is an irritative process around a hair follicle by the collection of sebaceous matter, in the form of pointed eruption. This collection, when squeezed out of the skin, is emitted in a cylindrical form, having the appearance of a small comedo. This variety is generally seen in persons at the age of puberty who take little exercise and indulge in eating excess fat and carbohydrates. It is most frequent in young females.

The following factors are possibly responsible.

a). Androgenic influence: In many young females excess androgen is seen even after the teen where the disease is very much prevalent.

b). Excessive sebaceous secretion: Due to influence of the androgenic hormones there is excessive secretion of sebaceous glands which play a basic role.

c). Abnormal keratinisation: The follicular duct undergoes keratinisation which is an early finding in acne.

d). Infection: An anaerobic diphtheroid known as propionibacterium Acnes having lipolytic activity is seen within the pilosebaceous ducts. They also alter the cell mediated immunity.

1 The face should be washed with soap and water about 4-5 times a day so that the greasy materials are washed off.

2 Manual removals of the comedones may be advised.

3 Zinc sulphide lotions B.P.C. may be applied locally.

4 Mild peeling agents containing Benzoic Peroxide (2.5-10%) in combination with sulphur in ointment or gel may be used.

5 Contraceptive pills containing less androgenic effect of Progesterone may also be beneficial.

6 Good food, fresh air and sun light are also beneficial.

7 Antibiotics like tetracycline, erythromycin, oxytetracycline or cotrimoxazole may be taken orally.

8 Topical antibiotics like 1% Clindamycin in alcohol may also be helpful.

Homeopathic Treatment:

1. Antim crude. Small red pimple on the face; Acne of drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white coated tongue.

2. Antim tart. Obstinate cases, with tendency to postulation, are curable with this remedy.

3. Arsenic alb. Acne with burning sensation.

4. Arsenicum Sulph Rubrum. Is indicated in acne accompanied by eczema or psoriasis.

5. Asterias Rubens. Is the head remedy for pimples on the face at the age of puberty.

6. Aurum Arsenicum. Acne, pimple on the face and forehead, pustules.

7. Belladonna. For acne which is very painful and red in color; occurs in plethoric persons.

8. Berberis Aquifolium. For acne on the face especially in girls where the skin becomes rough. Along with internal medication its mother tincture should be used for local application on acne for best results.

9. Bovista. Acne which occurs due to cosmetics, especially during summer.

10. Calc carb. Acne due to menstrual disorder with excessive perspiration.

11. Calc Phos. Acne in anaemic girls at puberty, with vertex headache and flatulent dyspepsia, relieved by eating.

12. Calc Sulph. Being the chief blood purifier it proves an indispensable remedy in all stages of the affection. It is especially indicated where the pimples suppurate.

13. Carboveg. Acne due to gastric derangement.

14. Dulcamara. Rash on the face before menses.

15. Hepar Sulph. Pimples of the size of a pea in different parts of the body, the slightest scratch or injury inclines to ulceration.

16. Kali bromatum. This remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the indurate, especially in hyperaesthetic, nervous females, and in epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides.

17. Streptococcin. Acne, which is aggravated by taking eggs and during winter.

18. Other medicines used in acne are: Thuja, Sulphur, Silicea, Sepia, Sanguinaria can, Rhus tox, Pulsatilla, Psorinum, Petroleum, Nitric acid, Nat mur, Mercurius, Ledum, Lachesis, Hydrocotyle, Causticum, Calc picrata, Borax, Agaricus, Alumina, Arsenic Iodatum, etc.


Acne and The Scope of Homeopathic Treatment

Pathogenesis of Acne

There are 4 basic factors involved in the development of acne.
Follicle Blockage
Acne arises due to blockage of follicles, the sebaceous follicles which are found in the face, neck, chest, and/or back. In acne patients, the sebaceous glands attached to these follicles secrete excessive amounts of sebum. It has been shown that the sebaceous glands in acne patients tend to be hyperresponsive to androgens, which are first released in the prepubertal period. Thus, these patients produce more sebum than is normal; this excessive secretion is a necessary prerequisite for the onset of acne.
Abnormal Desquamation
Second, the epithelial cells (keratinous squamous cells) lining of inner most layer of the follicles undergo abnormal desquamation. The cause why it happens is unknown. Normally, keratinous squamous cells are loosely organized in normal follicle, but they become denser and more coherent as a result of abnormal desquamation. The combination of abnormally desquamated cells and excessive sebum forms a “plug,” or microcomedo — the precursor lesion of both noninflammatory comedones and inflammatory lesions.
Third, the propionibacterium acne is a bacterium that lives on your skin and uses the sebum as nutrients for his growth. The sebaceous glands are hypersensitive to androgens that causes enlarge of gland and more sebum secretion. In puberty the androgens hormone is secreted more and thus there is more sebum secretion and more Propionibacterium acne in the follicle. The presence of P.acne attracts WBC to the follicle and thus an inflammatory reaction is settled up
Fourth, P acnes produces proinflammatory mediators and chemotactic factors that can cause microcomedones to inflame and evolve into papules, pustules, and nodules.

How Homeopathy Helps

  • A proper homeopathy treatment reduces the hypersensitivity of sebaceous gland to androgen hormone so helps to maintain a normal secretion of sebum. That prevents the acne formation.
  • Homeopathy remedies have anti inflammatory effect and accelerate the healing process in inflamed acne conditions.
  • Propionibacterium acnes is a frequent cause of bacterial keratitis and may cause propionibacterium acne keratitis. Homeopathy remedies treats successfully to the P.acne keratitis condition.
  • Homeopathy treatment controls the scar formation.
  • A constitutional homeopathy treatment not only treats the acne condition but also treats the whole patients as a whole.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


some detail about the remedies to help people fight the addiction of cigarrettes. 
  Tabacum is basically homeopathic tabacco.  It helps with the cravings of tobacco since it is diluted with this same substance. 
Caladium is a homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences and modifies the craving for tobacco. It also influences and counters the symptoms of respiratory disturbances associated with smoking.
Nux vomica helps smokers from becoming too irritable when trying to quit smoking.  This remedy also helps with throat issues associated with smoking.
Avena Sativa helps maintain vitality, endurance and stamina.  Smokers lack these traits due to the tabacco affecting their lungs and health.  This remedy helps to restore these to a certain extent.
Daphne helps with insomnia associated with trying to quit smoking.  It also helps with the tabacco cravings.
Plantago helps lessen the tabacco addiction.  This remedy makes your body feel disgusted with smoking the cigarette.
Staphysagria basically helps with smoker's emotional problems.  Smokers may experience depression, violent outbursts, irritability, and suppressed emotions.  These type of emotions are common for people with addiction.  This homeopathic remedy helps lessen these emotions.

  People may need a combination of these remedies to help stop smoking.  See a homeopathic doctor to see which remedies you may need.  If you can not see or find a homeopathic doctor, take the single remedies that most closely resemble your symtoms.  Start with a 6X potency for any of these remedies. 


Homeopathy and Weight Loss

The first principle of homeopathy was formulated by Dr. Hahnemann, a German doctor in the 18th century. It is based on the concept that similar affections are healed with similar formula. Today it is used being a safe, non invasive therapy. It is non toxic to the body too, and has no long-term side effects. It also boasts of being safer for pregnant women, infants and the elderly compared with other therapies.
Homeopathic substances are made through the process of dilution. Having no longer whole molecules, rendering them non-allergenic and non-poisonous, they stimulate the body towards balance. Homeopathy uses natural substances which are approved and regulated by the FDA. Most remedies are available without a prescription.
Homeopathic remedies can be used along with supplements and herbs and can be safely taken together with insulin, heart, blood pressure, thyroid and other medications. Chronic diseases can be also treated with homeopathy as well. Lately it offers treatments for various aspects of obesity too. Homeopathic medicines help in the weight loss procedure by improving digestion, elimination and metabolism. However, the medicines need to be individually prescribed, based on different patterns. So before taking them, consult a homeopathic doctor for proper advice.
In the weight loss procedure through homeopathic medicine Antimonium crudum, Argentum nitricum, Calcarea carbonica, Coffea cruda and Capsicum are the most often used remedies.



No matter how safe you know a procedure is, no matter how proven and how routine it’s become, there’s always an innate fear when you’re scheduled to go under the surgeon’s knife. You don’t know what to expect after the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, and you’re not really mentally prepared before they wheel you into surgery. I’ve been through three surgeries in as many years; none of them were for life-threatening reasons, but I still felt my heart pounding heavily all the same before I went under. But after the first one, I realized that you’re able to cope better mentally and recover faster physically if you know what to expect, how to take the necessary precautions, and think positively. So if you’re scheduled to go into surgery anytime soon, here are a few things to bear in mind:

Follow your doctor’s orders:
No matter what other people tell you to do, it’s best to stick to your doctor’s orders. Don’t do anything that they’ve advised you against and always talk to them before you include all kinds of vitamin supplements and health enhancements in your diet. If they’ve asked you to stop certain drugs, do so immediately. Following your doctor’s orders could be the difference between an easy and painful recovery, or even life and death, post surgery.
Make sure you’ve told your doctor all that they need to know:
You must be completely honest with your doctor so that there are no surprises during the surgery and during your recovery period. If you smoke, drink regularly or do drugs, now is the time to come clean. Show them your prescription if you are on any kind of medication, and also ensure that they know if you’re allergic to any drug or chemical substance.
Talk to your doctor about post-surgical care and recovery:
Some surgeries are easy to recover from; you’re usually home in a few hours or in a day and can resume normal activity immediately. Others are more complicated and you may have to stay in the hospital for a few days before you go home. You may also need someone to help you around for sometime before you regain total independence. So talk to your doctor about your options and arrange for a loved one to assist and support you through the process.
Follow your post-surgical instructions carefully:
Once the surgery is over, you may be in a certain amount of pain. While this will subside over the next few days, ask your doctor what you must do in case the pain becomes unmanageable and under what circumstances you need to call for emergency help. Follow instructions so that there are no untoward incidents hampering your recovery process. Don’t jump the gun in resuming normal activities or going to work. Allow your body and mind time to heal and relax before you resume your regular life.
A surgery need not be a frightening process if you’re well prepared mentally and physically, and if you have loved ones to support you throughout the procedure.


cocculus Indicus
Cocculus indicus, native to India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, is a poisonous climbing plant, with ash-colored corky bark.  The flowers has fruits that are round and kidney shaped.  Extreme care must be taken when handling this plant as very little contact can be fatal. The berries of this plant were scattered in streams by indigenous people to stun the fish so that they are easier to catch.  Other names for the fruit of this plant are fishberry or Levant nut.  The “small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented” flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across.

Cocculus indicus is used as a homeopathy medicine and is a traveler's best friend when the train, boat, and bumpy plane or automobile makes you feel weak and standing up is not a friendly prospect. It has proved very helpful for individuals drained by stress and tension. Motion sickness, vertigo, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, jet lag and even a nasty lower back pain may all be working against you until you remember to take Cocculus Indicus. Cocculus indicus can also be used for weakness, numbness, and sensitivity to noise. People often exhibit sadness and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms often worsen with motion, talking, smoking, and thought of food.

homeopathy for heat, heat exhaustion

heat exhaustion
Certain homeopathic remedies help deal with the extreme heat that everyone will experience this summer.  It is always recommended to stay inside the house when the weather is too heat.  However, sometimes people need to be out in the hot sun.  These homeopathic remedies will help deal with the heat.  Be sure to drink plenty of water along with these remedies to beat the heat.
Homeopathic Cell Salt Combinations 
-  These remedies consist of 12 vital cell salts that the body needs to function.  In the heat, the body loses these vital cell salts.  Taking these cell salts help the body keep the vital nutrients in the body.  
-  Take aconite 6C if you are feeling dizzy and have a headache form the sun.  This remedy helps your body from the sun draining the body of its nutrients.
- Carbo Veg 6C is used to treat stomach issues related to the heat.  The hot sun can sometimes throw the digestion system off. Gas and stomach pain may be common symptoms. This person have feel low vitality and need to have cool air on them.
If you do start feeling too sick in the heat, make sure to go inside in some cool air.  Drink some cold drinks to cool the body. If sickness continues or if you suspect heat stroke, go to the emergency room.


flu image
  The cold weather is around the corner.  We asked this question quite a bit.  Which remedies should I purchase for the flu season?  This question is individualized to a certain extent.  However, there are certain homeopathic remedies for the flu that nearly everyone can take.
The most popular homeopathic remedy for the flu is Oscillococcinum.  This is actually the homeopathic remedy Anas babariae hepatis et cordis 200C.  This remedy should be taken at the first sign of flu.  It helps to shorten the duration of the flu by about 6 hours or so.
Other popular homeopathic remedies during to take during the flu season include Nux Vomica, Byronia Alba, Pulsatilla and Belladonna.  Nux Vomica is for the flu with a running nose, chills, aches and gastric issues such as diarrhea.  Byronia Alba is for a slow setting flu with a painful dry cough.  You feel flu like but you really do not have a full blown full like symptoms.  Pulsatilla is for a stuffy nose with thick yellow discharge.  You will generally feel worse at night.  Belladonna is the used if you have a high fever and headache.  Cold air seems to worsen your condition.
These are just some of the homeopathic remedies that one can take to combat the flu.  Try to match your symptoms as close to the remedies as possible.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

omega3 and cancer


Taking omega-3 fatty acids (from fish oil) dramatically increases the function of immune cells (macrophages) and decreases tumor growth. A new study confirmed these benefits in rats. Interestingly, the effect was even more pronounced after two generations of supplementation! Take your omegas, and teach your children the importance of taking theirs! The study specifically looked at an immune cell called a macrophage, which literally translates to "big eater". These cells eat foreign materials including bacteria and certain toxins. They also devour misguided cells that are the beginnings of cancer. The picture at right is a macrophage (the big thing) devouring bacteria (the little things). 


What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy means healing diseases by the application of the law of similars, i.e. ‘like cures like’. This means that the ‘symptom picture’ - a recognisable and characteristic set of symptoms - of the healing agent (the medicine) has to match the disease ‘symptom picture’ of the patient.
hahnemannAlthough this principle has been known and applied spasmodically for many centuries, it was Samuel Hahnemann, born in Germany about two hundred and fifty years ago, who clearly established homeopathy as a recognised form of medical practice. At that time the old world-view was being revolutionised by the new wave of what is now call the ‘age of enlightenment’. Community and traditional beliefs, many flimsily based upon superstition, were being increasingly subjected to empirical inquiry, and it was experimentation and theory based upon results that Hahnemann brought to the old notion of "let likes be cured by likes".
This is of particular relevance nowadays when new healing forms are being sought because we are questioning the results of medical procedures with their interventional approaches of cutting, burning, drugging and inoculating. These methods are seen to be failing to bring about long-term improvements in health in chronic disease, although they are of undoubted service in the short term. Increasing numbers of inquiring individuals on the healer’s path are seeking to find ways in which a humane system of medicine can be integrated with the clearly beneficial attributes of a science rooted in empirical methodology—experimentation, observation, theory and review.
How does healing happen?
Healing happens quite naturally, because life has the impulse to maintain its integrity, to self heal and regenerate. Any adverse influence upon life will be met with a response designed to counteract that influence, to maintain equilibrium and restore health—to turn hell into heaven. These counteractions to adverse influences are expressed as symptoms. These are our best defences, our best efforts. We are wise to go with them rather than look for interventions. An intervention is any action that prevents the symptoms being expressed, but does not deal with the causes. An analogy for this could be a situation in which a warning light in a car indicating a sudden increase in engine temperature was responded to by the driver smashing that indicator!
Homeopathy is a holistic method of cure that takes into account not just the physical, but also the mental and emotional symptoms. Homeopaths seek to understand diseases ‘holistically’. If we lose our ability to rebalance and stay healthy, then our whole being responds by evolving symptoms. When the ‘symptom picture’ of the healing agent matches our diseased ‘symptom picture’, it enormously stimulates our capacity for re-balancing, helping us to do the work of ‘venting’ the symptoms and returning to health. This is the true life-preserving function of symptoms, that when unhindered are the means whereby disease is eliminated. This principle is understood in the field of everyday psychology. We know that grief (inner disturbance) is eased by tears (outward expression—symptoms), that sadness when vented does not play out as chronic brooding over the past or develop into say, anorexia, insidious weakness or MS; that anger when it is expressed does not fester and turn to hatred or develop into, say heart disease or cancer.
Acute diseases are most readily treated by homeopathic means because the initial intensification of symptoms, due to our dynamic response to the similar healing agent, is rapidly followed by the total elimination of the disease. For instance, recent grief with chest oppression, spasmodic sighing, hiccupping and acute stomach pain is cured after potentised Ignatia is given because the symptom pictures match. Then, after a brief intensification of presenting symptoms, flowing tears and sobbing ensue, giving way to returning calm and acceptance.
Chronic diseases are also amenable to homeopathic cures, indeed most of our cases are of this kind, but they take longer to resolve. The principle of cure in chronic illness is the same, i.e. we self-heal. It is only when this inclination for self-healing becomes perverted that we get stranded in a diseased state. This usually happens because of inherited disease predisposition’s, past traumas, past and present toxic overload or psychological and environmental stress, poor nutrition due to non-organic farming relying upon the use of agricultural chemicals and pesticides.
The disease, also being a manifestation of life, albeit a distorted one, behaves as if it were a separate entity that also wishes to express itself. It does so by the development of chronic symptoms. These symptoms are a compound of the disease and our unique individuality—they are the outward expression of our internal state. Just as in the case of the treatment of acute disease, they indicate what needs to be cured. We can read this information as we may read a book. In order to bring about a resolution of chronic disease, we require a return to natural living and eating as well as the thrust that the ‘intelligence’ of the healing agent confers. Then, as in the acute situation described above, the disease is eliminated from the inside towards the outside via established venting routes. It does this in a reverse time frame (last symptoms to appear are first to disappear, first symptoms to appear are last to disappear) and from the most important organs for survival to the least important. This means that as health is re-established, deep distress is supplanted by temporary superficial disturbances. To put this another way, we would expect to see transient acute manifestations in place of chronic degeneration. For instance, these disturbances could range from tears to temper tantrums, from skin eruptions to diarrhoea.
How do we recognise healing agents?
Substances are selected from either past experience of a medicine's healing powers or intuition as to their potential healing properties. The details are then worked out experimentally. Homeopaths call this proving. This is how it works. A group of stable volunteers comprising of both sexes are given a potentised dose of the substance under enquiry. They usually do not know what that substance is. Over a period of time (usually about two months) and while under supervision, they keep a detailed daily log of their altered state. They examine not only new and/or changed physical symptoms but also scrutinize their mental and psychological state. This information is gathered from all the volunteers and collated. During this process it is established which symptoms are most frequently experienced, which moderately and which least. This organisation of symptoms constitutes the ‘picture’ of the healing agent. It is verified and enlarged upon, given its therapeutic range, by clinical trial. As we have written, in homeopathy the remedy and the disease are similar. The remedy assists what the disease symptoms were unsuccessfully trying to do.
Because homeopathy is now more than two hundred years old, we work with many medicines that are well tested in clinical settings. Thus their healing characteristics and depth of action are well established.
What does potentised mean?
Let us first examine how healing proceeds. Healing agents work by harnessing the life preserving power within us. This power is invisible, indeed it is immaterial. We know of its existence by the result of its actions. We certainly know when it is absent, for then death ensues. Without its influence only the material constituents of the body remain, unanimated and lifeless. In order that healing should commence a subtle, immaterial, life-empowering force needs to be applied and recognised by the life preserving power within us. Healing agents are said to be potentised when they have been prepared in a particular manner so as to increase their healing properties.
What are homeopathic healing agents and how are they prepared?
Healing agents, or remedies as they are called, are derived from the natural world. Most typically they are of mineral, plant, animal or human origin. Examples of these are: salt (sodium chloride), club moss (Lycopodium clavatum), venom of surukuku snake (Lachesis muta), cancerous tissue (Carcinosin). They can also be derived from energy sources, for instance electro-magnetic sources, such as x-rays. When soluble these substances are dissolved in water and alcohol, while if they are insoluble, they are ground in a mortar and pestle. If electro-magnetic, then the rays are concentrated and permitted to pass through water where their influence is ‘recorded’ by the water. A process of serial (successive) dilution and agitation is then applied. By these means the material is reduced, within the bulk of the dilutant, while at the same time, the medicinal potency is increased. This achieves maximum effect for minimum stimulus. This process is also called dynamisation. This refers to the dynamic (as opposed to static) nature of the potentised (now potent) dose. It is the subtle, dynamised state of remedies that have resonance to the dynamic life-preserving function of the living organism. In other words, homeopathic practice rests upon the similarity of the remedy to disease and resonance of the remedy potency with an organism’s life-preserving force.



Loss of bone mass due to ageing, prolonged inactivity, hormone changes, drugs (excess oral steroids as in Cushing's syndrome, and also drugs given for Asthma and Rheumatoid arthritis or due to calcium deficiency; bones remain same size and shape, but their honeycomb structure becomes less dense because bone is broken down faster than it is replaced; lighter bones fracture easily and heal slowly.

Condition is more common in women than men because after the menopause the parathyroid glands produce less calcitonin, the hormone which stimulates bones to absorb calcium; in three-quarters of women bone loss is fairly slow, but by the age of 80 most women have lost between half and a quarter of their bone mass. Scientists returning from prolonged periods of weightlessness in Space lab were found to have lost bone mass.

Predisposing factors for osteoporosis include hysterectomy, removal of the ovaries before the age of 45, early menopause, family history, long-term illness, solitary occupation, drinking more than 40 units of alcohol a week, low body weight, poor calcium, magnesium and boron intake, Thyrotoxicosis a history of anorexia, smoking, caffeine, bran and laxatives, or being a vegetarian.


Diet for positive health

Understanding disease and what we can do to preserve health.
Disease is a survival mechanism. It is the body’s way of informing us that something is wrong, something needs to be changed. One way of getting rid of the disease is to say, “shut up” to your body rather than listen. This is easily done by taking pain-killers or other symptom suppressing medications. A backache may be a warning that a certain movement will obstruct healing. By taking a painkiller and ignoring that warning, one may end up with a chronic complaint.
The best results are obtained when we follow nature rather than oppose it. When we consider the meaning of disease it transforms from being a hindrance, to being a path to personal growth. To follow the path we may have to change something radically.
One of the reasons human beings are prone to so many diseases is that we are far removed from our natural state. Often the solution is to revert to this natural state. The most common causes of disease are -
1. Wrong eating habits
2. Stress
3. Environmental conditions
(Bacteria, virus and parasites can only infect a weak host and are therefore not the cause but the results of disease).
Of all these the easiest to change is our eating habits.
A look at our anatomy makes it obvious that we are predominantly herbivorous. Our dentition, our long intestinal tract and our absence of claws are evidence. All carnivores drink by lapping, and herbivores by gulping. We drink by gulping. We are descendents of apes that are predominantly herbivorous but can also eat insects and small animals. During evolution the mind is much quicker to adapt than the body. We have developed new and varied eating habits by means of our mind but our bodies lag behind in adapting to this new diet.
The best way to regain health is to revert to our natural diet. One of the most unnatural, foods in our diet is milk and milk products. Humans are the only animals that drink milk after infancy and that take another animals milk. Cow’s milk contains 2 times the protein and 3 times the fat of human milk since cows grow to full size much faster than we do. Protein is a growth food. By logic, at no time in our lives should we need more protein as a percentage of our diet than in infancy. Calcium and protein are basic components of each and every living cell in the universe. Its no wonder the cow is able to make protein and calcium rich milk from her diet of grass.

Reverting to a 100 % natural diet alone is a cure for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and many forms of allergies including asthma, constipation, indigestion, arthritis and gout, and other diseases. Just as the herbivorous cow succumbs to BSE (mad cow disease) when fed slaughterhouse by-products, so we too suffer from diseases through eating foods not meant for our species.

Alzheimer's disease (AD)and its homeopathic treatment

Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Mother Nature has blessed mankind amongst all the entities on the earth with an extraordinary quality of logical and rational thinking. The storehouse of immense knowledge, 'BRAIN' is the source of this exceptional attribute. Unfortunately, the entire system of an individual becomes handicapped as the same brain starts deteriorating. The major culprit who is involved in the deterioration of brain is Alzheimer's disease (AD). Alzheimer's disease is a devastating disease of brain that robs the afflicted individual of intelligence, memory and eventually life.

As many as 2-4 % of all people of 65 years of age and older have Alzheimer's. As many as 20 % (or more) of population over 85 years age have the AD. Alzheimer's disease (pronounced AHLZ-hi-merz) is one of several disorders that cause the gradual loss of brain cells. The disease was first described in 1906 by German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer. However, Alzheimer's disease did exist long before the birth of Dr. Alzheimer. The research has shown that Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia; in fact 70% of dementias are due to Alzheimer's disease.

Dementia is an umbrella term for several symptoms related to a decline in thinking skills and progressive deterioration of brain performance. Common symptoms include a gradual loss of memory, problems with reasoning or judgment, disorientation, difficulty in learning, loss of language skills, etc. People with dementia also experience changes in their personalities and behavioral problems. The cumulative effect of all these changes becomes distressing both to the individual and their families. It should be stressed that Alzheimer's disease knows no social, economic, ethnic or geographical boundaries; eventually those affected are unable to care for themselves and need help with all aspects of daily life. The magnitude of this disease is huge, there are estimated to be 17-25 million people worldwide with Alzheimer's disease.

What happens to brain in Alzheimer' disease?
Alzheimer's disease is characterized by progressive death of brain cells. This results from two abnormal structures in the brain: Amyloid plaques (pronounced AM i loyd, which are clumps of protein fragments that accumulate outside of cells and Neurofibrillary tangles (pronounced NUR o FI bri lair ee), which are clumps of altered proteins inside cells.

Why these changes develop in the brain?
Research about these structures has provided clues about why nerve cells die, but scientists have not determined exactly why these changes develop. In short, no one yet knows exactly what causes Alzheimer's disease. Most researchers agree that the cause may be a complex set of factors. Though Alzheimer's disease affects individuals in 40s and 50s, studies have shown that the greatest known risk for developing Alzheimer's is increasing age. As many as 2-4 % of all people of 65 years of age and older have Alzheimer's. As many as 20 % (or more) of population over 85 years age have the AD. A family history of the disease is another known risk. Having a parent or sibling with the disease increases an individual's chances of developing Alzheimer's. Many mysterious diseases have provided interesting clues through genetic studies. Scientists have identified certain genes, which are very strongly related to Alzheimer's.

Other factors:
Many diverse medical theories, including the biochemistry of acetylcholine and neurotransmitters, inflammation, oxidative stress and free radicals, and homocysteine, nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, as probable causes of Alzheimer's disease has been put forth. A wide array of risk factors for Alzheimer's include, disorders of blood circulation, hormonal imbalance, head trauma, emotional stress, alcohol abuse, metabolic defects, nutritional deficiencies, and even some infections.

How Alzheimer's presents:
Declining memory is the most common early symptom of Alzheimer's. Some change in memory is normal as we grow older, but the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are more than simple lapses in memory. People with Alzheimer's experience difficulties communicating, learning, thinking, and reasoning - problems severe enough to have an impact on an individual's work, social activities, and family life.

While it's normal to forget appointments, names, or telephone numbers, once in a while, those with Alzheimer's will forget such things more often and not remember them later. In addition, People with ordinary forgetfulness can still remember other facts associated with the thing they have forgotten. For example they may briefly forget their next-door neighbor's name but they still know the person they are talking to is their next-door neighbor. A person with dementia will not only forget their neighbor's name but also the context.

Individuals with AD begin to misplace everyday items, such as the car keys or eyeglasses, and become disoriented and get lost in familiar surroundings (such as when driving on well-known streets). With Alzheimer individual find difficult to perform even familiar tasks and may forget the steps for preparing a meal, using a household appliance, or in what order to put clothes on.

A person with Alzheimer's disease often forgets simple words or substitutes unusual words, making his or her speech or writing hard to understand. Individuals with Alzheimer's often show poor judgment about money, and mathematics.

People's personalities ordinarily change somewhat with age. But a person with Alzheimer's disease can change a lot, becoming extremely confused, suspicious, fearful, or dependent on a family member. An Alzheimer's may become unusually emotional and experience rapid mood swings for no apparent reason. Alternatively a person with Alzheimer's may show less emotion than was usual previously. In addition, they may experience delusions (believing in a reality that does not exist), and hallucinations (seeing things that do not exist).

In the terminal phase, Alzheimer patient enters in a world where he can recognize nothing… neither family members and friends, nor himself.

How the disease progresses: Alzheimer's disease advances at widely different rates. The duration of the illness may often vary from 3 to 20 years. Eventually, the person with Alzheimer's will need complete care. If the individual has no other serious illness, the loss of brain function itself may cause death.

How the condition is diagnosed:
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is an important step in getting appropriate treatment, care, and support services. There is no one diagnostic test that can detect if a person has Alzheimer's disease, but the process involves several kinds of tests and may take more than one day to complete the evaluation. Evaluations may include the following steps:
§ A medical history, which collects information about current mental or physical conditions, prescription and nonprescription drug use, and family health history
§ A mental status evaluation to assess sense of time and place; ability to remember, understand, and communicate; and ability to do simple math problems
§ A physical examination, which includes the evaluation of the person's nutritional status, blood pressure, sensations, balance, and other functions of nervous system
§ Investigations like a brain scan like CT and MRI to detect other causes of dementia such as stroke and laboratory tests, such as blood and urine tests, for checking various components of blood, hormones, enzymes, infections, etc.

Alzheimer's disease is difficult disoder. Homeopathy system offers reasonably positive treatment if not cure.

When we discuss the role of medicine for certain diseases, we probably do not talk of the 'cure' in real sense, but more of 'control' and 'relief'. AD is one such condition, where homeopathy has following role to play:

§ To control the disease process whereby further deterioration of the brain damage is helped to certain extent
§ To improve to an extent some of the symptoms: communication, failing memory, anxiety, restlessness, etc.
Many of the problems associated with dementia such as restlessness, depression, and agitation can be treated effectively and gently with homeopathy. It may also be possible, especially in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, to improve someone's memory with homeopathic medication. Timely administered homeopathy medicines can prevent further progress of disease.

Homeopathy is over 207 years old medicine originated in Germany. Homeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science and a system of medicine, which is gentle, effective, and devoid of any side effects.

The homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body's own healing power.

Homeopathy is one such branch of therapeutics, which believes in treating the patient who is diseased and not merely diseased parts of the patients. This holistic approach goes in a long way in the management of various chronic and deep-seated diseases, including Alzheimer's.

It goes without saying that every person is unique and dementia affects people differently - no two people will follow exactly the same course. Hence, an approach to dementia care, which recognizes the personal history, character and individuality of the person with Alzheimer's, has been shown to have a positive impact on the progress of the disease.

Homeopathy undertakes study of each Alzheimer's as separate entity and does in-depth evaluation of the disease as well as patient as person. It means, the physician has to understand the patient and his/her problems more deeply, with regards to its symptoms, its diagnosis as well as its probable genetic background. The study also involves deep evaluation of the mind and emotions. After appreciating the patients in his totality, a suitable medicine called as 'constitutional medicine' is selected for the patient. The medication based on such foundation brings deeper level healing process for the sufferers of chronic diseases.

It should be noted that there is no single specific remedy for all the cases of Alzheimer's. The exact treatment is determined only on in-depth evaluation of individual case.


Early stage renal failure is a final common path way for a number of disease processes and associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In modern medicine approach kidney treatment like dialysis and kidney transplant is not rational approach but its temporary phase, not complete cure end stage renal failure or CRF (Chronic renal failure is the progressive loss of kidney function. The kidneys attempt to compensate for renal damage by excessive straining of the blood within the remaining functional filtering units that consist of a glomerulus and corresponding tubule over time, hyper filtration causes further loss of function)
In homeopathy medicine developed immunizations in damage nephrons in kidney, so kidney function is not damaged further and become strong, after homeopathy treatment decreased s.creatinin and BUN level day by day.
End stage of renal failure due to diabetes mellitus or Hypertension patient his S.creatinin level should 6 to 7. In this stage we can cure or re-establish kidney or renal functions. Patient under going heamodialysis and after kidney transplantation, homeopathy medicine work very well.
Patient had no blood pressure and no diabetes then his S.creatinie level is more then 6 in early stage homeopathy medicine reestablished Kidney functions very well.
There are not curative procedures for CRF but instead they keep a person alive by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys. Homeopathy stimulates one’s immune system to perform normal functions in this way so that damaged kidneys start functioning normally.
PRE-RENALDecreased blood flow is one cause of damage to the kidney. Acute renal failure may occur when there is extremely low blood pressure; the patient may suffer from trauma, septic shock, haemorrhage, severe vomiting, diarrhea, burns and associated dehydration or other severe or complicated illness.
Renal failure usually occurs as the internal structures of the kidney and is suddenly or slowly destroyed. It is a complex chronic failure commonly noticed with hypertension and diabetes damage the vascular walls. Smoking causes atherosclerotic changes of the arterial walls. Nephrotoxic drugs and metals.

A simple mechanical or functional obstruction to the free flow of urine precludes, its excretion and renal failure occurs. It commonly happens with kidney stones, urethral stricture and prost. The symptoms are sudden in acute renal failure and gradual in chronic.

Increased Blood pressure, Weight Loss, Proteins pass in urine, General weakness, swelling around the eyes, Persistent fague and shortness of breath. Loss of appetite and weightloss. Pale, dry and itchy skin. Muscular cramps and twitching. Headache, nausea, vomit and hiccups.
1. Early stage renal failure due to Diabetes and Hypertension patients who are suffering from Kidney disease they must take homeopathic treatment.
2. Healthy persons who have strong family history of renal failure should take classical homeopathic treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.
3. Persons who are having symptoms of early renal failure of unknown etiology, then homeopathy medicine work very well.
4. Kidney patients of any stage should start homeopathic treatment earliest possible for avoiding passing into the complete renal.
5. Patients who are waiting for renal transplantation should start homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of kidney donor.
6. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid of the frequent dialysis by taking classical homeopathic treatment.
Let us say it is never too late to start homeopathic treatment; all patients should start it as soon as they come to know about benefits of homeopathy.
1) In comparison to life long treatment in Allopath or conversional therapy. Homeopathic medicines can be stopped in 2 to 5 years depending on the severity and underlying causes of the disease.
2) Allopathic cannot repair damaged Kidney. Modern medicines try to facilitate the body’s waste products to pass out by the process of dialysis through artificial means or by a kidney , transplanted from a Donor .Though Homeopathy does not provide any substitute for any organ (Kidney) but it can revive the damaged organ as it has been proven many times in my treatment of TB cases where I always found normal tissue in place of fibrocavitory lesions
3) Allopathic process of dialysis cannot be stopped once a patient starts on it. As the time passes this procedure has to be done more frequently. Patient’s kidney starts improving as soon as he starts taking homeopathic treatment. It helps the patient to withdraw from dialysis.
4) In modern medicine there is no curative procedure for CRF in. Kidney transplantation and Dialysis do not cure renal failure, but instead keep a person alive by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys. But homeopathy stimulates one’s immune system to perform normal functions, in this way damaged kidneys start functioning normally.
5) There is very high percentage of rejection of new kidney received from a Donor but if such patient starts taking homeopathic treatment that would minimize the rejection percentage.
6) Allopathic treatment Patient has to spend Rs.10000 to 20000/- per month exclusively on medicines. Expenses of hospital’s fee and investigations are superfluous. Homeopathic treatment cost depends upon the severity of the disease and knowledge and experience of the doctor even the costliest doctor’s treatment remains quite economical as compared to allopathic expenses.
7) In case of patients who receive transplanted Kidneys diseases associated with Kidneys like Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension may become uncontrolled in spite of taking full medical care. But Classical Homeopathic treatment not only repairs the damaged kidneys but also it helps in maintaining the blood sugar level and blood pressure to a normal level.
The state of patient with end stage renal failure or progressive reversible chronic renal disease is very pathetic not only for the patient itself but also for the family and society as a whole.
In homeopathic treatment case individualization, modality & mental symptoms are the necessary part to select find out exact similimum homeopathic medicine. Homoeopathy does wonder here and has prevented a large number of cases progressing to Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant.
Homoeopathy has already done a significant service to the society here as hemodialysis and renal transplant are not within easy reach of majority of population in under- developed countries. In developing country hemodialysis and kidney transplant are very costly treatment service for CRF patients that everybody can’t afford it while homeopathy is cheaper & easy treatment.
•1. Homeopathic treatment in CRF patients’ medical history:
•2. Patients with end-stage chronic renal failure pending Hemodialysis & Renal Transplant:
•3. Homeopathic treatment under long-term hemodialysis pending renal transplant
•4. Homeopathic treatment in dialysis complications
•5. Homeopathic treatment for Post Renal Transplant Patients:
1. Homeopathic treatment in CRF patients’ medical history:
Homeopathy medical science is a great for renal failure patient but unfortunately we are not received number of cases.
Patients mostly complaining of nausea, anorexia and progressive weakness. The laboratory renal parameters are disturbed. The evolution of individualized, totality, modality, mentality, past and family history require lots of patience and labor but the results are marvelous.
2. Patients with end-stage chronic renal failure pending Hemodialysis & Renal Transplant:
This is the group of cases with maximum presentations in the clinics. Majority of these cases come to homoeopathic rescue as a last resort as they can’t afford long-term dialysis and transplant.
The other small group of patients want to know the benefits of Homoeopathic treatment over dialysis and if Homoeopathic treatment be carried along with Hemodialysis? The clinical judgment is individualized and varies for every patient. Remember the correlation of uremic symptoms with renal functions varies front patient to patient.
3. Homeopathic treatment under long-term hemodialysis pending renal transplant:
Homeopathy has a great role to play here. Research experiments in various hospitals reveals the following facts :
(a) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduced the number of dialysis needed over a period of time.
(b) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduce and overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.
4.Homeopathic treatment in dialysis complications
Remember a chronic dialysis patient depends on a machine for his life. These patients develop a variety of psychiatric, neurologic and somatic disorders. A neurologic disorder ‘Dialysis dementia’ is a characteristic example.
In the mental sphere, these patients become very depressive, their reduced physical abilities make them sad and depressive
they become very irritable like
they know that they have to depend on others, they tolerate and do not express the frustration like
In the physical sphere infections, thrombosis and aneurysm formation occur in the Arterio-venous fistula. There is a high incidence of septic embolisation in these cases. The homoeopathic remedies Arnica chelendula Q have immensely helped these cases.
Heparin necessary during the hemodialysis procedures to prevent clotting leads to complications such as subdural hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage. Arnica and different well-proved snake poisons in our Materia Medica are of great help here. .
5. Homeopathic treatment for Post Renal Transplant Patients:
The group of patients coming for homoeopathic advice after Renal Transplant is very limited. Homeopaths have very little experience with these patients and the results are not very encouraging. Most of the symptoms here are marked and distorted by immune-suppressive therapy. Immune-suppressive therapy suppresses all immune responses and hence Homoeopathic treatment has not much role to play in organ rejection of transplant cases.
The treatment of Kidney disease can be quite successful with Homeopathy, often in conjunction with allopathic medicine in advanced cases. In early stages, particularly with chronic renal disease, nephritic syndrome, stone formations in Kidney, Bladder, UTI infections, the success rate is close to 40% to 70 % with compliance by the patient .